Sunday, June 15, 2014

Whoo Piano Stuff!!!!

Alright so basically I have songs I want to learn on the piano and here they are!!

This first one is Sally's Song, from The Nightmare Before Christmas. Yeeeeah. I am excited to learn it. Aaaaand then there's this beauty: Wouldn't Change A Thing, from Camp Rock 2. Hahahaha don't judge!! And then of course I did, and am almost done learning, 100 Years, by Five For Fighting. I also want to learn A Thousand Years, by Christina Perry. And Jar of Hearts, while I'm at it. I also think learning stuff from Pirates of the Caribbean would be fantastic. Truly and utterly. Alright so thats my plan. My new goal is, I suppose I can call it a hobby, actually, piano! I mean, sure I've always played and done stuff, but I want to actually get good. Haha, not that I'm not good, but still. It is just so much fun to be able to sit down and play a song on the piano, that people always love and never actually learn because its not important enough to remember or learn, but when they hear someone play it, it makes them a little jealous.
That is my goal. And that is all. See ya!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2014


So holy cow, life is already catching up WAY to quickly for me. I basically am an adult now, the only thing left to do is turn 18. I've already graduated, have college picked out, and have a job... Life is good, I suppose. I guess I should document me at 17-almost-18-in-a-month, huh? Okay, here's pictures, because those are always fun:)
That's just a silly one, though, although I personally think it makes me look older, haha. 
This is me and my brother, Dallin, who needs to frickin' stop growing up, just because.

THIS is my cat, Cinnamon. She gorgeous and I love her, haha and she gives me kisses and lets me pet her. I think her name should actually be spelled Cinnamyn or Cynnamin, because it's more girly and adds variation. Anyway, I suppose that's all, folks! Haha, adios!

Saturday, February 8, 2014


DUDE!! Pentatonix is basically fantastically wonderful. I mean, it is one of my favorite A Cappella groups, excluding BYU's Vocal Point. But anyway. This is going to be a short blog because I've got to do my homework and work on my BYUi scholarship application. So there's a fantastic medley that my dad sent to me that has 6 of their covers on one video. It's 20 minutes long, but it's pretty sweet. Enjoy!